{"primary_key":"DB00112","other_keys":"BTD00087;BIOD00087","type":"biotech","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Bevacizumab","description":"There is a great deal of evidence indicating that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is important for the survival and proliferation of cancer cells.[A192939,A192837,A192891,A193275] VEGF plays an important role in angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, and tumor growth, which are all factors that contribute to its attractiveness as a therapeutic target for anti-cancer therapies.[A192834,A192888,A192837,A192891,A192894] \r\n\r\nIn 2004, bevacizumab (Avastin) gained FDA approval for specific types of cancer, and became the first antiangiogenic agent introduced to the market.[A193272,A193275] It is a humanized monoclonal IgG antibody, and inhibits angiogenesis by binding and neutralizing VEGF-A.[A192888,A192939] Bevacizumab is generally indicated for use in combination with different chemotherapy regimens which are specific to the type, severity, and stage of cancer.[L12648] \r\n\r\nInterestingly, researchers have identified higher VEGF expression in patients with COVID-19, which may contribute to lung pathologies including acute respiratory syndrome (ARDS) and acute lung injury (ALI).[L12699] As such, bevacizumab is being investigated for the treatment of lung complications associated with severe cases of COVID-19.[L12699]","cas_number":"216974-75-3","unii":"2S9ZZM9Q9V","state":"liquid","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB00112.pdf?1265922813"} {"primary_key":"DB00207","other_keys":"APRD00397","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Azithromycin","description":"Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum macrolide antibiotic with a long half-life and a high degree of tissue penetration [A174172]. It was initially approved by the FDA in 1991 [A174175].\r\n\r\nIt is primarily used for the treatment of respiratory, enteric and genitourinary infections and may be used instead of other macrolides for some sexually transmitted and enteric infections. It is structurally related to erythromycin [A174169].\r\n\r\nAzithromycin [9-deoxo-9a-aza-9a-methyl-9a-homoerythromycin] is a part of the _azalide_ subclass of macrolides, and contains a 15-membered ring, with a methyl-substituted nitrogen instead of a carbonyl group at the 9a position on the aglycone ring, which allows for the prevention of its metabolism. This differentiates azithromycin from other types of macrolides [A174175].\r\n\r\nIn March 2020, a small study was funded by the French government to investigate the treatment of COVID-19 with a combination of azithromycin and the anti-malaria drug [hydroxychloroquine]. The results were positive, all patients taking the combination were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment, however, larger studies are required.[A192546]","cas_number":"83905-01-5","unii":"J2KLZ20U1M","average_mass":"748.9845","monoisotopic_mass":"748.508525778","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"William Heggie, Zita Maria De Mouro Vaz Azevedo Mendes, \"Process for the preparation of azithromycin.\" U.S. Patent US6013778, issued November, 1994.","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB00207.pdf?1548453627"} {"primary_key":"DB00503","other_keys":"APRD00312","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Ritonavir","description":"Ritonavir is an HIV protease inhibitor that interferes with the reproductive cycle of HIV. Although it was initially developed as an independent antiviral agent, it has been shown to possess advantageous properties in combination regimens with low-dose ritonavir and other protease inhibitors. It is now more commonly used as a booster of other protease inhibitors and is available in both liquid formulation and as capsules. \r\n\r\nWhile ritonavir is not an active antiviral agent against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, it is added in combination therapies indicated for treatment of HCV infections as a booster. Ritonavir is a potent CYP3A inhibitor that increases peak and trough plasma drug concentrations of other protease inhibitors such as [DB09297] and overall drug exposure. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines recommend ritonavir-boosted combination therapies as a first-line therapy for HCV Genotype 1a/b and 4 treatment-na\u001ave patients with or without cirrhosis. \r\n\r\nRitonavir is found in a fixed-dose combination product with [DB09296], [DB09183], and [DB09297] as the FDA-approved product Viekira Pak. First approved in December 2014, Viekira Pak is indicated for the treatment of HCV genotype 1b without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis, and when combined with Ribavirin for the treatment of HCV genotype 1a without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis.\r\n\r\nRitonavir is also available as a fixed-dose combination product with [DB09296] and [DB09297] as the FDA- and Health Canada-approved product Technivie. First approved in July 2015, Technivie is indicated in combination with Ribavirin for the treatment of patients with genotype 4 chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis.\r\n\r\nIn Canada, ritonavir is also available as a fixed-dose combination product with [DB09296], [DB09183], and [DB09297] as the Health Canada-approved, commercially available product Holkira Pak. First approved in January 2015, Holkira Pak is indicated for the treatment of HCV genotype 1b with or without cirrhosis, and when combined with Ribavirin for the treatment of HCV genotype 1a with or without cirrhosis. Inclusion of ritonavir can can select for HIV-1 protease inhibitor resistance-associated substitutions. Any HCV/HIV-1 co-infected patients treated with ritonavir-containing combination therapies should also be on a suppressive antiretroviral drug regimen to reduce the risk of HIV-1 protease inhibitor drug resistance.","cas_number":"155213-67-5","unii":"O3J8G9O825","average_mass":"720.944","monoisotopic_mass":"720.312760056","state":"solid","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB00503.pdf?1497888352","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB00503.pdf?1497888312"} {"primary_key":"DB00608","other_keys":"APRD00468","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Chloroquine","description":"Chloroquine is an aminoquinolone derivative first developed in the 1940s for the treatment of malaria.[A191655] It was the drug of choice to treat malaria until the development of newer antimalarials such as [pyrimethamine], [artemisinin], and [mefloquine].[A191787] Chloroquine and its derivative [hydroxychloroquine] have since been repurposed for the treatment of a number of other conditions including HIV, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.[A192432]\r\n\r\n**The FDA emergency use authorization for [hydroxychloroquine] and chloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 was revoked on 15 June 2020.[L14312]**\r\n\r\nChloroquine was granted FDA Approval on 31 October 1949.[L12054]","cas_number":"54-05-7","unii":"886U3H6UFF","average_mass":"319.872","monoisotopic_mass":"319.181525554","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Andersag, H., Breitner, S.and Jung, H.; U S . Patent 2,233,970; March 4,1941; assigned to\r\nWinthrop Chemical Company, Inc.\r\n","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB00608.pdf?1265922797","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB00608.pdf?1265922737"} {"primary_key":"DB00959","other_keys":"APRD00342","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Methylprednisolone","description":"Methylprednisolone is a [prednisolone] derivative glucocorticoid with higher potency than [prednisone].[A188811] It was first described in the literature in the late 1950s.[A188811,A188814]\r\n\r\nMethylprednisolone was granted FDA approval on 24 October 1957.[L10785] In the outbreak of COVID-19, low dose methylprednisolone-based therapy was successful in treating COVID-19-associated pneumonia in one patient with long-term immunosuppression.[A192813] The efficacy of methylprednisolone in novel coronavirus pneumonia is being investigated further in clinical trials.[L12666]","cas_number":"83-43-2","unii":"X4W7ZR7023","average_mass":"374.4706","monoisotopic_mass":"374.20932407","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Klaus Annen, Karl Petzoldt, Henry Laurent, Rudolf Wiechert, Helmut Hofmeister, \"Novel 6.alpha.-methylprednisolone derivatives, their preparation, and their use.\" U.S. Patent US4587236, issued March, 1973.","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB00959.pdf?1265922799","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB00959.pdf?1265922739"} {"primary_key":"DB01050","other_keys":"APRD00372","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Ibuprofen","description":"Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) derived from propionic acid and it is considered the first of the propionics.[A39074] The formula of ibuprofen is 2-(4-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid and its initial development was in 1960 while researching for a safer alternative for aspirin.[A39075] Ibuprofen was finally patented in 1961 and this drug was first launched against rheumatoid arthritis in the UK in 1969 and USA in 1974. It was the first available over-the-counter NSAID.[A39076]\r\n\r\nOn the available products, ibuprofen is administered as a racemic mixture. Once administered, the R-enantiomer undergoes extensive interconversion to the S-enantiomer _in vivo_ by the activity of the alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase. In particular, it is generally proposed that the S-enantiomer is capable of eliciting stronger pharmacological activity than the R-enantiomer.[A39194]","cas_number":"15687-27-1","unii":"WK2XYI10QM","average_mass":"206.2808","monoisotopic_mass":"206.13067982","state":"solid","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB01050.pdf?1265922800","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB01050.pdf?1265922739"} {"primary_key":"DB01234","other_keys":"APRD00674","type":"small molecule","created":"2005-06-13","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Dexamethasone","description":"Dexamethasone, or MK-125, is a corticosteroid fluorinated at position 9 used to treat endocrine, rheumatic, collagen, dermatologic, allergic, ophthalmic, gastrointestinal, respiratory, hematologic, neoplastic, edematous, and other conditions.[L10701] Developed in 1957, it is structurally similar to other corticosteroids like [hydrocortisone] and [prednisolone].[A188724]\r\n\r\nDexamethasone was granted FDA approval on 30 October 1958.[L10695] In a press release for the Randomized Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) trial on 16 June 2020, dexamethasone was recommended for use in COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory symptoms. Dexamethasone reduced deaths by approximately one third in patients requiring ventilation and by one fifth in those requiring oxygen.[L14318]","cas_number":"50-02-2","unii":"7S5I7G3JQL","average_mass":"392.4611","monoisotopic_mass":"392.199902243","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Fried, J.; US. Patent 2,852.51 1; September 16, 1958; assigned to Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation.\r\nMuller, G., Bardoneschi, R. and Jolly, J.; U.S. Patent 3,007,923; November 7, 1961; assigned to Les Laboratories Francais de Chimiotherapie, France.","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB01234.pdf?1265922808","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB01234.pdf?1265922745"} {"primary_key":"DB01264","other_keys":"EXPT00002","type":"small molecule","created":"2007-05-16","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Darunavir","description":"Darunavir is a protease inhibitor used with other HIV protease inhibitor drugs as well as [ritonavir] for the effective management of HIV-1 infection.[L9227] As a second-generation protease inhibitor, darunavir is designed to combat resistance to standard HIV therapy.[A2278,A2281] It was initially approved by the FDA in 2006.[L9227]\r\n\r\nDarunavir is being studied as a possible treatment for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, due to in vitro evidence supporting its ability to combat this infection.[A191682] Clinical trials are underway and are expected to conclude in August 2020.[L12066]","cas_number":"206361-99-1","unii":"YO603Y8113","average_mass":"547.664","monoisotopic_mass":"547.235221243","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Agarwal Virendra, Kumar Katariya, Lalit Keshav, Upadhyay Ashish, Rameschandra Pada Ranjit Ravatbhai, Ghetiya Renish Mansukhlal ,Tuvar Sabirhusen Ismalbhai. 2016. Google patents: WO2016193481A1","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB01264.pdf?1265922803"} {"primary_key":"DB01394","type":"small molecule","created":"2007-07-08","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Colchicine","description":"First approved by the FDA in 1961, colchicine is an alkaloid drug commonly used in the management of gout, a condition associated with the painful deposition of urate crystals in the joints.[A183614,L8138] It is derived from a plant belonging to the Lily family, known as Colchicum autumnale, or \"autumn crocus\".[A183611] Other than its use in gout, colchicine has been approved for managing exacerbations of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), a hereditary autoinflammatory condition.[A186320,L8141]","cas_number":"64-86-8","unii":"SML2Y3J35T","average_mass":"399.437","monoisotopic_mass":"399.168187537","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Christian Wehrey, \"Colchicine derivatives, process for preparing them, products obtained therefrom and use thereof.\" U.S. Patent US20040138182, issued July 15, 2004.","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB01394.pdf?1265922749"} {"primary_key":"DB01601","other_keys":"EXPT00388","type":"small molecule","created":"2007-08-29","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Lopinavir","description":"Lopinavir is an antiretroviral protease inhibitor used in combination with other antiretrovirals in the treatment of HIV-1 infection.[L11163] Lopinavir is marketed and administered exclusively in combination with [ritonavir] - this combination, first marketed by Abbott under the brand name Kaletra in 2000, is necessary due to lopinavir's poor oral bioavailability and extensive biotransformation. Ritonavir is a potent inhibitor of the enzymes responsible for lopinavir metabolism, and its co-administration \"boosts\" lopinavir exposure and improves antiviral activity.[L11163] Like many other protease inhibitors (e.g. [saquinavir], [nelfinavir]), lopinavir is a peptidomimetic molecule - it contains a hydroxyethylene scaffold that mimics the peptide linkage typically targeted by the HIV-1 protease enzyme but which itself cannot be cleaved, thus preventing the activity of the HIV-1 protease.[A191757]\r\n\r\nLopinavir is currently under investigation in combination with ritonavir for the treatment of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2.[L12012]","cas_number":"192725-17-0","unii":"2494G1JF75","average_mass":"628.8008","monoisotopic_mass":"628.362470666","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB05941","type":"biotech","created":"2007-11-18","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Leronlimab","description":"Leronlimab, or PRO-140, is a human monoclonal antibody developed by CytoDyn.[L12684] It was first described in the literature in 2001.[A3922] This antibody binds to CCR5, which may be useful in treating HIV, cancers, and severely ill COVID-19 patients.[A192846,A192858,L12684]","cas_number":"674782-26-4","unii":"Y1J4NP8FF0","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB06273","type":"biotech","created":"2008-03-19","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Tocilizumab","description":"Tocilizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody IL-6 receptor inhibitor used to treat inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.[L12789] It was first described in the literature in 2003 when Chugai, a subsidiary of Roche began developing IL-6 inhibiting monoclonal antibodies.[A193281] It is currently being investigated to treat severely ill patients with COVID-19.[A193278,L12837,L12843]\r\n\r\nTocilizumab was granted FDA approval on 8 January 2010.[L12789]","cas_number":"375823-41-9","unii":"I031V2H011","state":"liquid","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB06273.pdf?1504301237","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB06273.pdf?1371623110"} {"primary_key":"DB08868","type":"small molecule","created":"2013-04-28","updated":"2020-07-01","name":"Fingolimod","description":"Multiple sclerosis or MS is a devastating inflammatory disease that often progresses and causes severe neurological, physical, and cognitive effects.[A176474] Fingolimod is a sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulator for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It was developed by Novartis and initially approved by the FDA in 2010.[L12651]\r\n\r\nFingolimod is currently being studied for the treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Phase 2 clinical trials are currently underway and completion is expected in July 2020.[L12654]","cas_number":"162359-55-9","unii":"3QN8BYN5QF","average_mass":"307.4708","monoisotopic_mass":"307.251129305","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Ramesh Matioram Gidwani, Channaveerayya Hiremath, \"PROCESS FOR PRODUCING FINGOLIMOD SALTS.\" U.S. Patent US20120184617, issued July 19, 2012.","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB08868.pdf?1367181282"} {"primary_key":"DB11574","type":"small molecule","created":"2016-04-07","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Elbasvir","description":"Elbasvir is a direct-acting antiviral medication used as part of combination therapy to treat chronic hepatitis C, an infectious liver disease caused by infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is a single-stranded RNA virus that is categorized into nine distinct genotypes, with genotype 1 being the most common in the United States, affecting 72% of all chronic HCV patients.[L852] Treatment options for chronic hepatitis C have advanced significantly since 2011, with the development of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) such as elbasvir. Elbasvir is an inhibitor of NS5A, a protein essential for viral replication and virion assembly.[synthesis] The barrier to the development of resistance to NS5A inhibitors is lower than that of NS5B inhibitors, another class of DAAs.[A19593] Substitutions at amino acid positions 28, 30, 31, or 93 are known to confer resistance to elbasvir.[L10253] Despite this disadvantage elbasvir is still effective against HCV, particularly when paired with [grazoprevir].\r\n\r\nElbasvir is available as a fixed-dose combination product with [grazoprevir] (tradename: Zepatier) used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Approved in January 2016 by the FDA, Zepatier is indicated for the treatment of HCV genotypes 1 and 4 with or without [ribavirin] depending on the presence of resistance-associated amino acid substitutions in the NS5A protein and previous treatment failure with [ribavirin], [peginterferon alfa-2a], [peginterferon alfa-2b], or other NS3/4A inhibitors like [boceprevir], [simeprevir], or [telaprevir].[L10253] Elbasvir and [grazoprevir] are used with or without [ribavirin] with the intent to cure, or achieve a sustained virologic response (SVR), and have been shown to achieve a SVR between 94% and 97% for genotype 1 and 97% and 100% for genotype 4 after 12 weeks of treatment.[L852]. SVR and eradication of HCV infection are associated with significant long-term health benefits including reduced liver-related damage, improved quality of life, reduced incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma, and reduced all-cause mortality.[A19626]\r\n\r\nIn a computational target-based drug repurposing investigation published in April 2020, elbasvir was predicted to bind stably and preferentially to three proteins necessary for viral replication of SARS-CoV-2, the human coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.[A193257] While these results are suggestive of antiviral efficacy, follow-up clinical trials are required to validate elbasvir as a potential therapy against SARS-CoV-2.","cas_number":"1370468-36-2","unii":"632L571YDK","average_mass":"882.035","monoisotopic_mass":"881.422445147","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Coburn CA, Meinke PT, Chang W, Fandozzi CM, Graham DJ, Hu B, Huang Q, Kargman S, Kozlowski J, Liu R, McCauley JA, Nomeir AA, Soll RM, Vacca JP, Wang D, Wu H, Zhong B, Olsen DB, Ludmerer SW: Discovery of MK-8742: an HCV NS5A inhibitor with broad genotype activity. ChemMedChem. 2013 Dec;8(12):1930-40. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201300343. Epub 2013 Oct 14.","fda_label":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/fda_labels/DB11574.pdf?1497544682"} {"primary_key":"DB11676","type":"small molecule","created":"2016-10-20","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Galidesivir","description":"Galidesivir is an adenosine analogue that has been investigated for use against Zaire Ebolavirus.[A191451] In animal studies, galidesivir was effective in increasing the survival rates from infections caused by various pathogens, including Ebola, Marburg, Yellow Fever and Zika viruses.[L12084] _In vitro_, it displayed broad-spectrum antiviral activity against various negative- and positive-sense RNA viruses,[A191622] including coronaviruses, filoviruses, and arenaviruses.[L12039,L12084] Phase 1 clinical trials have begun to determine the safety of this drug in humans.[L12042] Because of its activity against other coronaviruses, it may be studied as a potential therapy for COVID-19.","cas_number":"249503-25-1","unii":"OLF97F86A7","average_mass":"265.2685","monoisotopic_mass":"265.117489371"} {"primary_key":"DB12466","other_keys":"DB06046;DB15625","type":"small molecule","created":"2016-10-20","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Favipiravir","description":"Discovered by Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. in Japan, favipiravir is a modified pyrazine analog that was initially approved for therapeutic use in resistant cases of influenza.[A191688,A191721] The antiviral targets RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzymes, which are necessary for the transcription and replication of viral genomes.[A191688,A191772,A191775]\r\n\r\nNot only does favipiravir inhibit replication of influenza A and B, but the drug has shown promise in the treatment of avian influenza, and may be an alternative option for influenza strains that are resistant to neuramidase inhibitors.[A191721,L12090] Favipiravir has been investigated for the treatment of life-threatening pathogens such as Ebola virus, Lassa virus, and now COVID-19.[A191724,A191958,A191961]","cas_number":"259793-96-9","unii":"EW5GL2X7E0","average_mass":"157.104","monoisotopic_mass":"157.028754544","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB12668","type":"small molecule","created":"2016-10-20","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Metenkefalin","description":"Metenkefalin is an endogenous opioid and beta-endorphin.[A203225] It has been shown to reduce chromosomal abberations in patients with multiple sclerosis.[A203210] Metenkefalin, along with [tridecactide], are under investigation as an immunomodulatory therapy for moderate to severe COVID-19.[L13874,L13877]","cas_number":"58569-55-4","unii":"9JEZ9OD3AS","average_mass":"573.67","monoisotopic_mass":"573.225719661"} {"primary_key":"DB13609","type":"small molecule","created":"2017-06-23","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Umifenovir","description":"Umifenovir is an indole-based, hydrophobic, dual-acting direct antiviral/host-targeting agent used for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza and other respiratory infections.[A191475] It has been in use in Russia for approximately 25 years and in China since 2006. Its invention is credited to a collaboration between Russian scientists from several research institutes 40-50 years ago, and reports of its chemical synthesis date back to 1993.[A191475] Umifenovir's ability to exert antiviral effects through multiple pathways has resulted in considerable investigation into its use for a variety of enveloped and non-enveloped RNA and DNA viruses, including _Flavivirus_,[A191388] Zika virus,[A191391] foot-and-mouth disease,[A191394] Lassa virus,[A191403] Ebola virus,[A191403] herpes simplex,[A191409], hepatitis B and C viruses, chikungunya virus, reovirus, Hantaan virus, and coxsackie virus B5.[A191475,A191412] This dual activity may also confer additional protection against viral resistance, as the development of resistance to umifenovir does not appear to be significant.[A191475]\r\n\r\nUmifenovir is currently being investigated as a potential treatment and prophylactic agent for COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV2 infections in combination with both currently available and investigational HIV therapies.[A191385,A191550,L12012]","cas_number":"131707-25-0","unii":"93M09WW4RU","average_mass":"477.42","monoisotopic_mass":"476.076927","state":"solid","synthesis_reference":"Trofimov, F.A., Tsyshkova, N.G., Zotova, S.A., Grinev, A.N., 1993. Synthesis of a new antiviral agent, arbidole. Pharm Chem J 27, 75\u001a76."} {"primary_key":"DB14761","type":"small molecule","created":"2019-04-23","updated":"2020-06-16","name":"Remdesivir","description":"Remdesivir, or GS-5734, is an adenosine triphosphate analog first described in the literature in 2016 as a potential treatment for Ebola.[A191379] In 2017, its activity against the coronavirus family of viruses was also demonstrated.[A191382] Remdesivir is also being researched as a potential treatment to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.[A191427,A198810]\r\n\r\nRemdesivir was granted an FDA Emergency Use Authorization on 1 May 2020.[L13236] This is not the same as an FDA approval.[L12609]","cas_number":"1809249-37-3","unii":"3QKI37EEHE","average_mass":"602.585","monoisotopic_mass":"602.225399109","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB14999","type":"biotech","created":"2019-05-20","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Human interferon beta","description":"Human interferon beta is a polypeptide used in the management of relapsing forms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and was initially approved by the FDA in 1992.[L12081] Multiple Sclerosis is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that is usually progressive and significantly debilitating with a profound impact on the quality of life.[A191784] \r\n\r\nInterferon beta is currently being studied as a possible treatment for COVID-19, which results from infection with the novel 2019 SARS-CoV-2 virus.[L12078] Interferon-beta has been used in the past in clinical studies with other coronaviruses due to its demonstrated activity against the virus causing Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). It is therefore a potential drug candidate for SARS-CoV-2 based on viral genetic similarity.[A191733,L12012]","cas_number":"74899-71-1","unii":"V9GU1EM8SF","state":"solid","msds":"//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/drugbank/msds/DB14999.pdf?1583868232"} {"primary_key":"DB15622","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-03-04","updated":"2020-06-30","name":"Triazavirin","description":"Triazavirin is a guanine nucleotide analog antiviral originally developed in Russia that has shown efficacy against influenza A and B, including the H5N1 strain.[A191709,A191625,A191916] It appears that Triazavirin has shown promise in reducing influenza disease severity and associated complications.[L12087] Given the similarities between SARS-CoV-2 and H5N1, health officials are investigating Triazavirin as an option to combat SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.[A191625]","cas_number":"123606-06-4","unii":"F2HTG1MH2D","average_mass":"228.19","monoisotopic_mass":"228.006559187","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB15623","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-03-04","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"TMC-310911","description":"TMC-310911 (also known as ASC-09) is a novel investigational protease inhibitor (PI) that is structurally similar to the currently available [darunavir].[L12045] It is being investigated for use in HIV-1 infections. TMC-310911 has shown marked activity against a variety of HIV-1 strains, including multi-PI-resistant strains, and may be less likely to generate resistance, making it a potentially desirable therapy for both treatment-naive and PI-experienced patients.[L12045,A191643]\r\n\r\nTMC-310911 is currently being investigated, in combination with other HIV therapies and antivirals, as a potential treatment for COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2.[L12012]","cas_number":"1000287-05-7","unii":"0151W500HP","average_mass":"755.987","monoisotopic_mass":"755.338640455","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB15654","type":"biotech","created":"2020-04-01","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"mRNA-1273","description":"mRNA-1273 is a vaccine developed by Moderna that is currently undergoing investigation for the prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection.[L12645] It is a novel mRNA-based vaccine, encapsulated in a lipid nanoparticle, that encodes for a full-length pre-fusion stabilized spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2. A phase I, open-label, dose-ranging clinical trial (NCT04283461) was initiated in March 2020 in which 45 subjects will receive two intramuscular doses (on days 1 and 29) after which they will be followed through 12 months post-second vaccination.[L12660]"} {"primary_key":"DB15655","type":"biotech","created":"2020-04-01","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Ad5-nCoV","description":"Ad5-nCoV is a recombinant adenovirus type-5 vector (Ad5) vaccine currently being investigated for prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2.[L12675,L12678] It is being developed by CanSino Biologics Inc., in partnership with the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, who in March 2020 announced the approval of a phase I clinical trial (ChiCTR2000030906)[L12675] with an expected completion in December 2020. The study will evaluate antibody response in healthy patients between the ages of 18 and 60 who will receive one of three study doses, with follow-up taking place at weeks 2 and 4 and months 3 and 6 post-vaccination.[L12678]"} {"primary_key":"DB15656","type":"biotech","created":"2020-04-01","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"AZD1222","description":"AZD1222 (previously known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) is a vaccine currently being investigated for prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2.[L12669] The ChAdOx1 viral vector was developed at the University of Oxford and has been investigated as a potential vector for vaccines against another human coronavirus, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).[A192822,L12672] The ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, produced in a partnership between The University of Oxford's Jenner Institute and Italian pharmaceutical manufacturer Advent Srl, consists of an attenuated adenovirus capable of producing the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2, allowing for the formation of endogenous antibodies against these proteins and, consequently, against SARS-CoV-2.[L12672]\r\n\r\nA phase I/II single-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of the vaccine began in March 2020 with an expected completion date of May 2021.[L12669] The trial is taking place in the UK, where the vaccine will be administered intramuscularly to healthy adult volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55.[L12669]"} {"primary_key":"DB15660","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-04-06","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"N4-Hydroxycytidine","description":"N4-Hydroxyctidine, or EIDD-1931, is a ribonucleoside analog which induces mutations in RNA virions.[A193008,A193011] N4-hydroxycytidine was first described in the literature in 1980 as a potent mutagen of bacteria and phage.[A193023] It has shown antiviral activity against Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus,[A193008] and the human coronavirus HCoV-NL63 _in vitro_.[A193017] N4-hydroxycytodine has been shown to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 as well as other human and bat coronaviruses in mice and human airway epithelial cells.[A193014] It is orally bioavailable in mice and distributes into tissue before becoming the active 5\u001a-triphosphate form, which is incorporated into the genome of new virions, resulting in the accumulation of inactivating mutations.[A193011] In non-human primates, N4-hydroxycytidine was poorly orally bioavailable.[A193026] A [remdesivir] resistant mutant mouse hepatitis virus has also been shown to have increased sensitivity to N4-hydroxycytidine.[A193014] The prodrug of N4-hydroxycytidine, [EIDD-2801], is also being investigated for its broad spectrum activity against the coronavirus family of viruses.[A193014]","cas_number":"3258-02-4","unii":"C3D11PV2O4","average_mass":"259.218","monoisotopic_mass":"259.080435151"} {"primary_key":"DB15661","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-04-06","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"EIDD-2801","description":"EIDD-2801 is the isopropylester prodrug of [N4-hydroxycytidine].[A193014,A193026] With improved oral bioavailability in non human primates, it is hydrolyzed _in vivo_, and distributes into tissues where it becomes the active 5\u001a-triphosphate form.[A193026] The active drug incorporates into the genome of RNA viruses, leading to an accumulation of mutations known as viral error catastrophe.[A193029] Recent studies have shown EIDD-2801 inhibits replication of human and bat coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, in mice and human airway epithelial cells.[A193014] A [remdesivir] resistant mutant mouse hepatitis virus has also been shown to have increased sensitivity to N4-hydroxycytidine.[A193014]","cas_number":"2349386-89-4","unii":"YA84KI1VEW","average_mass":"329.309","monoisotopic_mass":"329.122299964","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB15686","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-05-19","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"GS-441524","description":"GS-441524 is an adenosine nucleotide analog antiviral, similar to [remdesivir].[A203057,L13239] This molecule was patented in 2009.[L13775] _In vitro_ studies of GS-441524 have determined it has a higher EC50<\/sub> than remdesivir against a number of viruses, meaning GS-441524 is less potent.[A203057,A203057] GS-441524 continues to be studied in the treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus, a coronavirus that only infects cats.[A198840]","cas_number":"1191237-69-0","average_mass":"291.267","monoisotopic_mass":"291.096753919","state":"solid"} {"primary_key":"DB15687","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-05-19","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Tridecactide","description":"Tridecactide, also known as alpha-corticotropin 1-13, is a deacetylated and deaminated alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, which may have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects.[A203210] Tridecactide, along with [metenkefalin], are under investigation as an immunomodulatory therapy for moderate to severe COVID-19.[L13874,L13877]","cas_number":"22006-64-0","unii":"T7PQK27HTI","average_mass":"1623.85","monoisotopic_mass":"1622.766382447"} {"primary_key":"DB15688","type":"small molecule","created":"2020-05-21","updated":"2020-06-12","name":"Vazegepant","description":"Vazegepant is an antagonist of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor currently in phase 3 trials in an intranasal formulation for the treatment of migraine. If FDA approved, it will join other previously-approved \"-gepant\" drugs [rimegepant] and [ubrogepant] as an additional treatment alternative for patients with migraine, particularly those for whom traditional triptan therapy has proven ineffective.\r\n\r\nOn April 15th, 2020, a phase 2 clinical trial (NCT04346615: Safety and Efficacy Trial of Vazegepant Intranasal for Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Requiring Supplemental Oxygen)[L13868] began to investigate the use of intranasally administered vazegepant to combat the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) sometimes seen in patients with COVID-19. Acute lung injury activates the release of CGRP, which plays a role in the development of ARDS - CGRP antagonists, then, may help to blunt the significant inflammation associated with COVID-19.[L13886] The clinical trial is expected to complete in September 2020.[L13868]","cas_number":"1337918-83-8","unii":"ODU3ZAZ94J","average_mass":"638.817","monoisotopic_mass":"638.369287373"} {"primary_key":"DB15691","type":"biotech","created":"2020-06-15","updated":"2020-06-16","name":"Anti-SARS-CoV-2 REGN-COV2","description":"Anti-SARS-COV-2 REGN-COV2 is a combination of novel antibodies designed by Regeneron for both the prevention and treatment of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This drug is a combination of the antibodies REGN10933 and REGN10987, derived from humanized VelocImmune\u001a mice in addition to blood samples from patients who have recovered from COVID-19. These antibodies have been formulated to bind to multiple locations on the SARS-COV-2 spike protein, preventing viral escape.[L14303] Two upcoming publications in the journal, _Science_, will provide additional information about preclinical research with the Anti-SARS-COV-2 REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail.[L14306]\r\n\r\nClinical trials for this drug started on June 11, 2020. Regeneron's clinical trial will study the effects of this drug on hospitalized COVID-19 patients, symptomatic COVID-19 patients (non-hospitalized), and uninfected individuals at high-risk of infection, including contacts of an infected individual.[L14303]"} {"primary_key":"DB15692","type":"biotech","created":"2020-06-16","updated":"2020-06-17","name":"COVID-19 convalescent plasma","description":"COVID-19 convalescent plasma is plasma collected from patients who have acquired and subsequently recovered from COVID-19 and which contains antibodies against the causative agent SARS-CoV-2.[L14333] This investigational COVID-19 treatment is currently available through three main pathways: use in registered clinical trials, use through the expanded access COVID-19 protocol (21 CFR 312.305), and use for single patients through an emergency IND (eIND; 21 CFR 312.310).[L14333]\r\n\r\nAlthough there are no formal clinical trial results for the safety or efficacy of COVID-19 convalescent plasma, early results from 5000 patients under the FDA expanded access program suggest that convalescent plasma transfusion in COVID-19 patients is safe.[A214316]","unii":"YM6LN8TU2V","state":"liquid"} {"primary_key":"DB15693","type":"biotech","created":"2020-06-23","updated":"2020-06-23","name":"INO-4800","description":"INO-4800 is a DNA vaccine containing the full sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) protein in development for immunization against COVID-19.[A214475] Early _in vitro_ studies using HEK-293T cells demonstrated that the transfection of INO-4800 results in the expression of S protein by human cells.[A214475, A214478] Follow up studies in both BALB/c mice and Hartley guinea pigs demonstrated the ability of INO-4800 to induce both humoral and T cell-mediated immunity against SARS-CoV-2, including in the lungs. Furthermore, the antibodies produced were capable of inhibiting the binding of SARS-CoV-2 to the ACE2 receptor, which is thought to be critical for host cell entry.[A214475]\r\n\r\nA Phase 1 clinical trial for INO-4800 in the U.S. (NCT04336410) was started on April 3, 2020, with an expected completion date of July 2021.[L14372] A Phase 1/2 clinical trial through South Korea's Seoul National University Hospital was announced on June 4, 2020, and expected to start later in the month.[L14375]"}